Historical Milestones

The 1981 Ohio Hospital Association (OHA) annual convention provided the impetus for the beginning of the Healthcare Internal Audit Group (HIAG).

At this convention, the OHA offered hospital administrators and trustees a seminar explaining the objectives, approach and benefits of internal auditing to hospitals. The meeting brought together three internal audit directors, James E. Bolinger of Holy Cross Health System, William G. Sites of Geisinger Medical Center, and William L. Werner of the Toledo Hospital. They met and discussed the special needs of healthcare internal auditors and the seeds of HIAG were sown. From this meeting came a resolve to continue to work together in furthering the effectiveness of internal auditing in healthcare organizations.

A bold decision was made to organize a meeting of healthcare internal auditors to determine whether their continuing professional education needs were being met and, if not, what might be done about it. The fledgling group’s first national conference, held in Philadelphia in the fall of 1981, drew fifty participants and concluded with an overwhelming resolve to continue the educational programs.

HIAG was incorporated in Indiana as not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization in September 1982.  In 1989 the organization’s name was changed to the Association of Healthcare Internal Auditors (AHIA) and incorporated in the State of Illinois.  Since that time AHIA has become the premier organization in providing education, resources and networking for healthcare internal auditors.




  • Annual Conference:  1st Virtual Conference due to pandemic and restricted travel (726 attendees)
  • Instituted COVID-19 Operationalization Live Discussion Forums
  • Offered first virtual CAE Roundtable
  •  2nd CHIAP® Exam window offered February 2020 through March 2020 (due to COVID-19 a special exam window offered August 2020 through September 2020)
  •  Trademark applications approved
    • CHIAP®
    • Certified Healthcare Internal Audit Professional®
  • AHIA’s Announces Commitment to Inclusivity (Human Rights, Equality, Inclusivity)
  •  The Professional Practice Committee announced the launching of the Virtual Learning Audit Resource Center (ARC).
  • Surveys: COVID-19 Survey, 2020 AHIA/LSU Healthcare Internal Auditing Survey – Part 2 (Operations) and 2020 AHIA/LSU Healthcare Internal Auditing Survey – Part 1 (Staffing)
  • Whitepapers: Telehealth Risks During COVID-19 and BeyondRobotics Process AutomationAuditing the 340B Program for Disproportionate Share Hospitals






  • Annual Conference:  Chicago
  • Established the Electronic Health Record ‎‎(EHR) User Group – Epic
  • Strategic Initiatives presented: ‎
  • Identified Competencies Areas (Clinical ‎Quality, Information Technology, General ‎Audit Management, Compliance, and the ‎Revenue Cycle)‎
  • AHIA Logo updated to add red color to the “i” ‎and “Healthcare”‎
  • Whitepaper: Third-party Relationships and Your Confidential Data (Grant Thornton/AHIA)


  • New Perspectives journal receives the 2012 APEX Award of Excellence, One to Two-Person Produced Magazine & Journal
  • Published Whitepaper in conjunction with PwC – “Meaningful Use Risks – Internal Audit Assessment and Response”
  • Record Membership: More than 1,400 members
  • Whitepaper: Meaningful Use Risks (PwC/AHIA)


  • AHIA rolls out a new logo and website.
  • AHIA celebrates its 30th anniversary at the annual conference in San Diego.
  • New Perspectives journal receives the following awards:
    • EXCEL Award for design excellence from the Association of Publications and Media.
    • APEX Award of Excellence, One to Two Person-Produced Magazines & Journals, to Kenneth E. Spence, Editor
    • APEX Award of Excellence, Regular Departments & Columns, to Marianne M. Jennings, JD, for her column, “Ethics at Work: What Did You Do in the Past Year That Bothered You? How that Question Can Change Cultures.”
  • AHIA formally endorses The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) mandatory components of the International Professional Practice Framework (IPPF), which includes the official Definition of Internal Auditing, the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, and the Code of Ethics. This well-recognized international guidance provides a professional foundation for all healthcare internal auditors.
  • A new committee, Professional Practices, was added to our volunteer structure. Professional Practices will be responsible for identifying and leading knowledge development and subject leadership on emerging issues relevant to healthcare internal auditors.


  • AHIA implements the Volunteer Recognition Program.
  • Quality review of New Perspectives journal completed.
  • New Perspectives journal receives APEX Awards for Magazine & Journal Writing, including Print over 32 pages.


  • New Perspectives journal receives APEX Award for Publication Excellence in the Most Improved Magazines & Journals category.
  • TechTalk, an audit technology listserv discussion forum, is launched.


  • New Perspectives awarded Honorable Mention from American Society of Association Executives ASAE.
  • Record attendance of 514 at annual conference.


  • Membership reaches 1,200.
  • AHIA returns to independent presentation of its annual conferences.


  • AHIA and CHAN Healthcare Auditors held the first-ever joint Healthcare Internal Auditors Annual Conference in Orlando and hosted over 750 participants.
  • AHIA celebrated its 25th anniversary in Orlando at the first joint Healthcare Internal Auditors Annual Conference.
  • AHIA signs a contract with The Resource Center for Associations and moves its international headquarters to Wheat Ridge, Colorado.


  • A strategic partnership is established with CHAN LLC to offer a joint Healthcare Internal Auditors Annual Conference for four years.
  • The AHIA 2005 Conference, Get In Tune, is held in Nashville.
  • AHIA moves its international headquarters to Columbus, Ohio.


  • E-News, a monthly newsletter sent via the AHIA List Server, is initiated.
  • The Network Connection Program (NCP), with goals to welcome new members to the organization, introduce them to the services of AHIA, and facilitate networking between new and existing members, is launched at the annual conference.
  • The AHIA 2004 Conference, The Winning Hand, is held in Las Vegas, drawing a record 374 participants, topping the previous record at the ten- year anniversary conference.


  • AHIA participates in the IIA’s 2nd Industry Audit Summit to discuss partnership/networking opportunities and professional challenges.
  • The Healthcare Internal Audit Library undergoes major quality and value review and is technologically upgraded to allow easy accessibility and search capabilities.
  • The AHIA Foundation, Inc. is re-incorporated in the state of Michigan as the AHIA Education Foundation, Inc.
  • A strategic partnership is established with HCPro and AHIA becomes a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the “Health Care Auditing Strategies” publication. AHIA members receive discounts on healthcare publications.
  • A strategic partnership is established with ACL to offer hands-on training to AHIA members at reduced rates.


  • Training seminars, “Skills for the New Healthcare Auditor,” for those new to internal audit and/or healthcare are initiated.
  • The First Bulletin is issued called “Challenges Facing the Accounting and Auditing Profession.”
  • A formalized committee structure, featuring seven committees with each chaired by a board member, is implemented.
  • A vision statement is created and the mission statement is revised to include the endorsement and training for the compliance profession.


  • The 20th-year anniversary conference is held in Philadelphia.
  • A partnership is established with KPMG to form a “Chief Audit Executives Group.”
  • AHIA moves its international headquarters to Detroit, Michigan.


  • Five Years of New Perspectives is added to the AHIA website and the 2000 annual conference attendees receive a CD of the five years of articles.
  • The Board of Directors expands one director position to a four-year position, designating one year each to serve as Secretary/Treasurer, Vice Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Board, and Immediate Past Chairman of the Board.
  • A strategic partnership with LSU is established to publish the first bi-annual healthcare auditor salary and benchmarking survey.
  • The AHIA Foundation, Inc. is re-incorporated in the state of Florida.


  • The First Technology Services brochure emerges from Emory University in conjunction with commencement of the AHIA home page.
  • Two regional compliance seminars earn 150 plus attendees from around the country, with up to seven hours of cost-effective AHIA training and CPE credits.
  • The Contributing Author Award is developed to encourage members to share their experiences in the field of healthcare internal auditing.
  • New Perspectives is upgraded with a full-color cover and glossy-coated paper stock.
  • Regional auditing seminars on “Internal Audit’s Role in Strategic Issues: Compliance, Y2K, Information Systems Integrity and Control” are held in five locations across the country to enhance the “Excellence Through Sharing” motto.


  • AHIA moves its international headquarters to Altamonte Springs, Florida.


  • AHIA approves and issues a professional Code of Ethics for its members.


  • AHIA moves its international headquarters to Washington, DC.
  • AHIA attains approval as a registered sponsor of continuing professional education on the CPE Sponsor Registry of National Association of Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).
  • AHIA becomes a member of the National Health Council Joint Commission’s Liaison Network.


  • The National Healthcare Billing Audit Guidelines are published in conjunction with AMA, BCBSA, HFMA, AHIMA and HIAA.
  • A 5-year financial plan is developed in conjunction with a long-range strategic plan.
  • AHIA attains representation on the Institute of Internal Auditors International Business and Industry Committee.


  • The 10-year anniversary conference is held in Philadelphia, drawing a record 341 participants.
  • Membership exceeds 1,000.
  • AHIA and HFMA issue a joint response on the “Internal Control-Integrated Framework” exposure draft.


  • The premier issue of AHIA’s journal, New Perspective, is published.
  • Membership exceeds 800.
  • The second position paper is issued, titled “Role and Organizational Status of the Medical Audit Function Within a Healthcare Organization.”


  • The organization is incorporated in the state of Illinois as “Association of Healthcare Internal Auditors” (AHIA) as a 501(a) corporation. The original “Healthcare Internal Audit Group” is maintained for future foundational activities as “AHIA Foundation, Inc.”
  • The first position paper is issued, titled “Organizational Status of the Internal Audit Function Within a Healthcare Organization.”
  • National prominence of AHIA is enhanced with Congressional speakers at the Fall Conference in Arlington, VA.


  • The first membership directory is created.
  • Research activities intensify with the annual “Salary and Reporting Relationship” survey.


  • Marketing functions are established with first advertisements accepted for the newsletter.


  • The five-year anniversary conference is held in Philadelphia, drawing a record 220 participants.
  • The Founders Award is established, honoring James E. Bolinger, Margaret A. Richardson, William G. Sites, and William L. Werner.
  • Medical auditors become the newest members of HIAG.
  • Membership exceeds 500.


  • The first open Board of Director elections are held by the membership.
  • An association management firm is retained to handle day-to-day operations.


  • The first long-range strategic plan is developed.
  • “Excellence Through Sharing” is adopted as the organization’s motto.


  • The Board of Directors expands from original four founding members to seven members.
  • The Spring Conference is held in Chicago, draws 108 participants, doubling its previous attendance record.


  • The Healthcare Internal Audit Group, Inc. is incorporated in Indiana as a not-for-profit corporation.
  • The first issue of the newsletter, Perspectives, is published.
  • The Healthcare Internal Audit Library is established.
  • Membership exceeds 100.


  • The Healthcare Internal Audit Group (HIAG) is founded.
  • The first annual national conference is held in Philadelphia, attracting 50 participants.