The Business Challenge

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) 2024 Global Internal Audit (Standards) requires a quality assurance and improvement program covering all aspects of the internal audit activity (Standard 8.3).   As part of the program requirements, Standard 8.4, states “The external assessment must be performed at least once every five years by a qualified, independent assessor or assessment team.”  Standard 15.1 states,  “A statement that the engagement is conducted in conformance with the Global Internal Audit Standards should be included in the final engagement communication, indicating that the internal audit engagement conformed with the Standards is appropriate only if supported by the results of engagement supervision and the quality assurance and improvement program.” 

About the AHIA/HPA Volunteer Program

LAs a benefit to AHIA members and other affiliated organizations’ members, AHIA is developing an online repository of members who are interested in volunteering to lead or participate in external assessments of internal audit departments.

The AHIA has long been involved in helping organizations ensure quality in their audit functions. To assist our members in complying with the external assessments required by Standards, the AHIA worked closely with the Health Plan Alliance (HPA) to develop an online directory of members who have volunteered to serve as an independent reviewer or a member of an external assessment team.  This list is maintained and provided as a member service.

Please note that neither the AHIA nor HPA certify or endorse any individual listed. Likewise, neither AHIA nor HPA takes any responsibility for issues arising between peer reviewers and the organizations being reviewed.  To prevent misunderstandings, we recommend that all responsibilities be spelled out clearly in writing before any commitment is made. The IIA has several resources to help guide an organization in conformance with the Standard.  We suggest that the organization being reviewed refer to the IIA resources for guidance.

Volunteer Qualifications

·       Standard 8.4 requires at least one member of the assessment team to be a Certified Internal Auditor®.  Additional qualifications of the assessment team to consider include: 

·       Experience with and knowledge of the Standards and leading internal audit practices.

·       Experience as a chief audit executive or comparable senior level of internal audit management.

·       Experience in the organization’s industry or sector.

·       Previous experience performing external quality assessments.

·       Completion of external quality assessment training recognized by The Institute of Internal Auditors.


·       Attestation by assessment team members that they have no conflicts of interest, in fact or appearance.


Participating in external reviews is a unique chance to broaden your horizons, expand your knowledge and network. Here are some benefits of participating in an external assessment:

·       Knowledge Exchange: External assessments will provide you with exposure to different organizations, processes, and audit methodologies. By working closely with professionals from another company, you will gain insights into diverse approaches, enabling you to expand your knowledge base and acquire fresh perspectives.

·       Networking Opportunities: Collaborating with professionals from another organization creates valuable networking prospects. You will have the chance to build relationships with individuals, expanding your professional network and establishing connections that may prove beneficial throughout your career.

·       Enhanced Reputation: Participation in an external quality review demonstrates your commitment to excellence and your willingness to contribute to the enhancement of other audit departments.

·       Learning: As a volunteer, you will be exposed to best practices and innovative approaches employed by another company’s Internal Audit Department. This learning experience will enable you to bring valuable insights back to our organization, positively influencing our own processes and methodologies.


·       CPE Credit: By participating in the External Quality Assessments, you may be able to claim CPE credits with governing bodies, which are essential for maintaining professional certifications. The IIA allows up to 20 hours of CPE, please refer to the IIA guidance for details.  

Register for Access to the Volunteer Directory

The volunteer directory will be available soon. All volunteer program registrants will receive an email when the volunteer directory is live. We are currently accepting applications for volunteers. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with a link to the volunteer form.


·       Visit the registration page on the Health Plan Alliance website.

·       On the “Registration” tab, select the “AHIA Member” option.

·       Click “Create Profile” near the bottom of the page.

·       For the “Organization” field, type “AHIA.”

·       Click “Save and Continue” and on next page enter “AHIA” in the “Promotion Code” field.

·       Click “Proceed” to submit your registration.

·       You will receive a confirmation email from with a link to complete the volunteer form.